City of Port Moody
Special Council
Post-Meeting Agenda

Electronic Webinar via Zoom

This meeting will commence immediately following the Public Hearing and Special Council meeting scheduled at 7:00pm.

You can watch the livestream of this meeting at or join the webinar at

This meeting is open to the public for in-person attendance in Council Chambers at
100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.

The City of Port Moody carries out our business on the ancestral and unceded homelands of the kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh),
q ̓əmin̓ əm ̓ (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱ wú7mesh (Squamish), q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie),
qʼʷa:n̓ ƛʼən̓ (Kwantlen), qiqéyt (Qayqayt), and Stó:lō (Sto:lo) Peoples, and extends appreciation for the opportunity to work on this territory. 

Verbal Report: Councillor Zoë Royer, Chair, Arts and Culture Committee

Please go to for information on how to participate.

As a reminder to members of the public, while we encourage civic engagement and welcome your participation in the public portion of our meeting, there are expectations regarding appropriate conduct and decorum at Council meetings.  We ask all members of the public to ensure that matters raised with Council are constructively focused on issues and not individuals and that any engagement with or about City staff is addressed in a manner that is consistent with these expectations so that we can all engage in this space in a manner that is respectful, constructive, and abides by the City’s Respectful Workplace Policy.

Presentation: City Manager

Opportunity for public input.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the 2021 Annual Report be received for information.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the minutes of the following meetings be adopted:

    • Special Council (to Close) – May 24, 2022; and
    • Regular Council – May 24, 2022.

Note: Council may adopt in one motion all recommendations appearing on the Consent Agenda or, prior to the vote, request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed in section 6 for debate or discussion, voting in opposition to a recommendation, or declaring a conflict of interest with an item.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the recommendations contained in the following items on the June 28, 2022 Special Council Consent Agenda be approved.

Report: Parks and Recreation Commission, dated May 20, 2022

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the report dated May 20, 2022 from the Parks and Recreation Commission regarding Pioneer Park Rentals be received for information.

Report: Engineering and Operations Department – Operations Division, dated May 24, 2022

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the report dated May 24, 2022 from the Engineering and Operations Department – Operations Division regarding the 2021 Annual Water Quality Report be received for information.

Memo: Finance and Technology Department – Corporate Purchasing and Risk Management Division, dated May 20, 2022

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT Corporate Policy – 05-1800-01 – Travel and Expense be adopted as attached to and recommended in the memo dated May 20, 2022 from the Finance and Technology Department – Corporate Purchasing and Risk Management Division regarding Travel and Expense Corporate Policy Amendments.

Report: Community Development Department – Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division, dated May 31, 2022

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2021, No. 3327, Amendment Bylaw
    No. 2, 2022, No. 3344 be read a first, second, and third time as recommended in the report dated May 31, 2022 from the Community Development Department – Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division regarding Fees Bylaw Amendment for Impounded Cats.

Report: Finance and Technology Department – Corporate Purchasing and Risk Management Division, dated June 1, 2022

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the Encroachment Agreement between the City of Port Moody and the property owners at 472 Beatrice Street Lane be executed as recommended in the report dated June 1, 2022 from the Finance and Technology Department – Corporate Purchasing and Risk Management Division regarding Encroachment Agreement for 472 Beatrice Street Lane.

Memo: Councillor Steve Milani, dated April 5, 2022

The following was moved and seconded at the Regular Council meeting held on May 10, 2022 before being postponed and is now back on the table for Council consideration:

Moved and seconded

THAT the current OCP’s definition of 4.1.2 Multi-Family Residential be changed from three to six storeys to up to three storeys;

AND THAT the opportunity be provided for the community to provide input specifically with respect to the OCP land use definition of
Multi-Family Residential as part of the upcoming OCP consultation as it pertains to allowable building heights.

Report: Community Development Department – Economic Development Office, dated March 4, 2022

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the City of Port Moody Wayfinding Strategy and neighbourhood colour scheme for directional signage be endorsed as recommended in the report dated March 4, 2022 from the Community Development Department – Economic Development Office regarding City of Port Moody Wayfinding Strategy.

Report: Community Development Department – Development Planning Division, dated May 16, 2022

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Housing Agreement Bylaw, 2022, No. 3371 (148 and 154 James Road) (Rental Available) and City of Port Moody Housing Agreement Bylaw, 2022, No. 3372 (148 and 154 James Road) (Below-Market Rental) be read a first time as recommended in the report dated May 16, 2022 from the Community Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding Housing Agreement Bylaw – 148-154 James Road (Dulex Sitka House Development Ltd.);

    AND THAT Bylaw No. 3371 and Bylaw No. 3372 be read a second time;

    AND THAT Bylaw No. 3371 and Bylaw No. 3372 be read a third time.

Report: Engineering and Operations Department – Project Delivery Services Division, dated May 4, 2022

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT staff be directed to proceed with the scope and construction timing as recommended in the report dated May 4, 2022 from the Engineering and Operations Department – Project Delivery Services Division regarding
    St. Johns Street Multi-Use Path Project Update.

Report: Community Development Department – Development Planning Division, dated June 10, 2022

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 72, 2022, No. 3370 (988 Seaforth Way) (RS1-S) be defeated as recommended in the report dated June 10, 2022 from the Community Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding Rezoning (RS1-S) – 988 Seaforth Way (Cole Shafer);

    AND THAT Council direct the applicant to pursue a two-lot subdivision as directed by staff.

Report: Community Development Department – Development Planning Division, dated April 19, 2022

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT staff proceed with initiating a rezoning process for pre-existing RS1 lots which measure less than 500m2 within the Moody Centre neighbourhood area as recommended in the report dated April 19, 2022 from the Community Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding
    Pre-Existing RS1 Small Lots.

Report: Community Development Department – Economic Development Office, dated June 15, 2022

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the Economic Development Master Plan be approved as recommended in the report dated June 15, 2022 from the Community Development Department – Economic Development Office regarding Economic Development Master Plan;

    AND THAT staff be directed to report back to Council with an implementation plan.

Report: Community Development Department – Development Planning Division, dated April 27, 2022

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT staff and the applicant consider the comments provided during the Special Council meeting held on June 28, 2022 regarding the Pre-Application presented in the report dated April 27, 2022 from the Community Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding Early Input
    (Pre-Application) – 2201-2209 St. Johns Street (Jordan Kutev Architect Inc.).

Verbal Report: Councillor Lubik

Email: Yolaine Dupont, Founder, CEO, Patient Navigator and Advocate, PVNH Support and Awareness, dated June 11, 2022

Draft Proclamation

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT August 7, 2022 be proclaimed World PVNH Disorder Awareness Day in the City of Port Moody;

    AND THAT the City Hall theme lighting be illuminated pink and yellow on August 7, 2022 in recognition of World PVNH Disorder Awareness Day.

Metro Vancouver Board in Brief, dated May 27, 2022

  • Tourism Committee – November 25, 2020
  • Advisory Design Panel – January 20, 2022
  • Seniors Focus Committee – April 7, 2022
  • Land Use Committee – April 11, 2022
  • Transportation Committee – April 20, 2022
  • Library Board – April 21, 2022
  • Climate Action Committee – April 25, 2022
  • Environmental Protection Committee – April 25, 2022
  • Arts and Culture Committee – May 2, 2022
  • Youth Focus Committee – May 11, 2022
  • Parks and Recreation Commission – May 11, 2022
  • Transportation Committee – May 18, 2022
  • Advisory Design Panel – May 19, 2022

The following resolution was released from the Closed Council meeting held on June 14, 2022:

THAT the Truth and Reconciliation Understanding and Engagement – Phase 2 project proposal be approved and that the project be designated as Priority Level 1 in the Council Strategic Plan as recommended in the report dated June 2, 2022 from the General Manager of Community Services regarding Truth and Reconciliation Understanding and Engagement – Phase 2;

AND THAT the proposed land acknowledgement be endorsed;  

AND THAT staff commence work on the short-term Indigenous Relations Strategy using the balance of the existing budget for the Truth and Reconciliation Understanding and Engagement project of $13,700;

AND THAT $16,500 per year be allocated for 7-hours per week of additional staff time to lead project initiatives for the next two years or until services are no longer needed;

AND THAT staff report back with a recommended training schedule and budget request;

AND THAT staff apply for the UBCM C2C Regional Community to Community Forum Program Grant for Truth and Reconciliation Implementation;

AND THAT staff seek additional grant funding to support the Truth and Reconciliation Understanding and Engagement – Phase 2 work;

AND THAT the additional funding requests be forwarded to the Finance Committee to identify a funding source;

AND THAT the Truth and Reconciliation Understanding and Engagement Phase 1 consulting report from Four Our Future Indigenous Economics as received in the report dated April 29, 2022 from the General Manager of Community Services be publicly released to those concerned;

AND THAT the City of Port Moody commemorate the history and legacy of residential schools and honour Indigenous communities, families, and survivors by observing a day for Truth and Reconciliation;

AND THAT staff be directed to treat September 30, 2022 as if it were a statutory leave day;

AND THAT Council determine how best to mark the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in subsequent years;

AND THAT the City Manager and the Mayor be authorized to have the flags at City facilities lowered in observance of the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.

Please go to for information on how to participate.

As a reminder to members of the public, while we encourage civic engagement and welcome your participation in the public portion of our meeting, there are expectations regarding appropriate conduct and decorum at Council meetings.  We ask all members of the public to ensure that matters raised with Council are constructively focused on issues and not individuals and that any engagement with or about City staff is addressed in a manner that is consistent with these expectations so that we can all engage in this space in a manner that is respectful, constructive, and abides by the City’s Respectful Workplace Policy.

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