THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, No. 2955, Amendment Bylaw No. 30, 2021, No. 3293 (St. George Street and Buller Street) be now adopted as recommended in the report dated
November 28, 2023, from the Community Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding Development Approval (Mixed-Use) – 3101-3103 St. Johns Street, 3104-3112 St. George Street, 123-129 Buller Street (Pooni Group);
AND THAT third reading of City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 50, 2021, No. 3294 (St. Johns Street, St. George Street, and Buller Street) (CD81) be rescinded;
AND THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 50, 2021, No. 3294 (St. Johns Street, St. George Street, and Buller Street) (CD81) be read a third time as amended;
AND THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 50, 2021, No. 3294 (St. Johns Street, St. George Street, and Buller Street) (CD81) be now adopted;
AND THAT City of Port Moody Housing Agreement Bylaw, 2021, No. 3296 (St. Johns Street, St. George Street, and Buller Street – Non-Market Rental Housing) be now adopted;
AND THAT City of Port Moody Housing Agreement Bylaw, 2023, No. 3432 (St. Johns Street, St. George Street, and Buller Street – Rent-to-Own Housing) be now adopted;
AND THAT City of Port Moody Housing Agreement Bylaw, 2023, No. 3433 (St. Johns Street, St. George Street, and Buller Street – Rental Available) be now adopted;
AND THAT City of Port Moody Road Closure Bylaw – Portion of St. Andrews Street, 2021, No. 3297 be now adopted;
AND THAT Development Permit No. DP000012 be authorized for issuance;
AND THAT the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.