City of Port Moody
Regular Council

Council Chambers
100 Newport Drive, Port Moody

You can watch the livestream of this meeting at or join the webinar at

This meeting is open to the public for in-person attendance in Council Chambers at
100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.

The City of Port Moody carries out our business on the ancestral and unceded homelands of the kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh),
xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh (Squamish), q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie),
qʼʷa:n̓ ƛʼən̓ (Kwantlen), qiqéyt (Qayqayt), and Stó:lō (Sto:lo) Peoples, and extends appreciation for the opportunity to work on this territory.


  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the agenda of the November 28, 2023, Regular Council meeting be adopted as circulated.

Please go to for information on how to participate.

As a reminder to members of the public, while we encourage civic engagement and welcome your participation in the public portion of our meeting, there are expectations regarding appropriate conduct and decorum at Council meetings.  We ask all members of the public to ensure that matters raised with Council are constructively focused on issues and not individuals and that any engagement with or about City staff is addressed in a manner that is consistent with these expectations so that we can all engage in this space in a manner that is respectful and constructive, and abides by the City’s Respectful Workplace Policy.

4.1    Verbal Submissions:

Members of the public wishing to address Council during the Public Input period will be allowed two minutes to speak.

4.2    Written Submissions:

Written Public Input submissions will be provided on-table in accordance with Corporate Policy – 01-0550-2023-01 – Public Input – Written.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT Written Public Input Submissions provided in the on-table package dated November 28, 2023, be received for information.

Verbal Report: Councillor Kyla Knowles, Chair, Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee

Presentation: Tristen Hyde and Mary Phelps

Delegation Request: Tristen Hyde

  • Recommendation(s):

    1. THAT the delegation be received for information and the delegates thanked for their presentation.

    2. THAT the delegation request be placed on a subsequent Council agenda for consideration.

    3. THAT the delegation request be considered immediately.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the minutes of the following meetings be adopted:

    • Special Council (to Close) – November 7, 2023;
    • Public Hearing – November 7, 2023;
    • Special Council (with PH) – November 7, 2023;
    • Special Council (to Close) – November 14, 2023; and
    • Regular Council – November 14, 2023.

Note: Council may adopt in one motion all recommendations appearing on the Consent Agenda or, prior to the vote, request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed in section 8 for debate or discussion, voting in opposition to a recommendation, or declaring a conflict of interest with an item.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the recommendations contained in the following items on the
    November 28, 2023, Regular Council Consent Agenda be approved.

Memo: Legislative Services Division

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2023, No. 3435 be now adopted as recommended in the memo dated November 28, 2023, from the Legislative Services Division regarding 2024 Fees Bylaw, No. 3435 – Adoption.

Memo: Legislative Services Division

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Fireworks Regulation Bylaw, 2023, No. 3436 and City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw, 2020,
    No. 3218, Amendment Bylaw No. 10, 2023, No. 3439 be now adopted as recommended in the memo dated November 28, 2023, from the Legislative Services Division regarding Fireworks Regulation Bylaw, No. 3436, and MTIA Amendment Bylaw, No. 3439 – Adoption.

Memo: Legislative Services Division

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Street, Traffic, and Public Places Bylaw, 1981,
    No. 1528, Amendment Bylaw No. 22, 2023, No. 3434 be read a first, second, and third time as recommended in the memo dated November 28, 2023, from the Legislative Services Division regarding Street, Traffic, and Public Places Amendment Bylaw, No. 3434 (3-hour Parking) – Three Readings.

Memo: Legislative Services Division

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Sidewalk and Boulevard Maintenance Bylaw, 1999, No. 2426, Amendment Bylaw No. 5, 2023, No. 3437 and City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw, 2020, No. 3218, Amendment Bylaw No. 9, 2023, No. 3438 be read a first, second, and third time as recommended in the memo dated November 28, 2023, from the Legislative Services Division regarding Hydrant Access Maintenance Bylaw Nos. 3437, 3438 – Three Readings, and Corporate Policy 11-5600-2023-01 – Adoption;

    AND THAT Corporate Policy – 11-5600-2023-01 – Hydrant Access Maintenance be adopted.

Memo: Legislative Services Division

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT Corporate Policy – 01-0580-2023-01 – Video Surveillance be approved as attached to the memo dated November 28, 2023, from the Legislative Services Division regarding Video Surveillance Corporate Policy.

Memo: Community Development Department – Policy Planning Division

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT second reading of City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 74, 2023, No. 3376 be rescinded;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 74, 2023, No. 3376 be read a second time as amended and referred to a Public Hearing as recommended in the memo dated November 28, 2023, from the Community Development Department – Policy Planning Division regarding Zoning Bylaw Housekeeping Amendment.

Report: Community Development Department – Development Planning Division

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, No. 2955, Amendment Bylaw No. 30, 2021, No. 3293 (St. George Street and Buller Street) be now adopted as recommended in the report dated
    November 28, 2023, from the Community Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding Development Approval (Mixed-Use) – 3101-3103 St. Johns Street, 3104-3112 St. George Street, 123-129 Buller Street (Pooni Group);

    AND THAT third reading of City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 50, 2021, No. 3294 (St. Johns Street, St. George Street, and Buller Street) (CD81) be rescinded;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 50, 2021, No. 3294 (St. Johns Street, St. George Street, and Buller Street) (CD81) be read a third time as amended;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 50, 2021, No. 3294 (St. Johns Street, St. George Street, and Buller Street) (CD81) be now adopted;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Housing Agreement Bylaw, 2021, No. 3296 (St. Johns Street, St. George Street, and Buller Street – Non-Market Rental Housing) be now adopted;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Housing Agreement Bylaw, 2023, No. 3432 (St. Johns Street, St. George Street, and Buller Street – Rent-to-Own Housing) be now adopted;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Housing Agreement Bylaw, 2023, No. 3433 (St. Johns Street, St. George Street, and Buller Street – Rental Available) be now adopted;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Road Closure Bylaw – Portion of St. Andrews Street, 2021, No. 3297 be now adopted;

    AND THAT Development Permit No. DP000012 be authorized for issuance;

    AND THAT the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.

Memo: Mayor Meghan Lahti

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the Mayor’s Arts and Business Coalition Task Force be dissolved;

    AND THAT the Arts and Business Council Project Task Force be established;

    AND THAT the Terms of Reference for Arts and Business Council Project Task Force be approved as presented in the memo dated
    November 28, 2023, from Mayor Meghan Lahti regarding Mayor’s Arts and Business Coalition Task Force Update.

Memo: Councillor Samantha Agtarap and Councillor Callan Morrison

The following motion was served by Councillors Agtarap and Morrison at the November 14, 2023, Regular Council meeting:

THAT the Manager of Economic Development work with businesses, developers and/or landowners to ensure business owners operating in areas designated for redevelopment are engaged to lessen uncertainty that businesses may be facing prior to development applications being presented to any City Council or civic committees;

AND THAT the Sustainability Report Card be updated to reflect these requirements.

Memo: Councillor Haven Lurbiecki

The following motion was served by Councillor Lurbiecki at the
November 14, 2023, Regular Council meeting:

THAT staff be directed to develop a policy defining lobbying activities that attempt to influence municipal decisions on land-use;

AND THAT a public-facing lobbyist registry and public-facing meeting registry of Councillor meetings with lobbyists and developers be implemented.

  • Youth Focus Committee – October 11, 2023
  • Parks and Environment Committee – October 16, 2023
  • Transportation Committee – October 18, 2023
  • Library Board – October 26, 2023
  • Letter dated November 1, 2023, from the City of West Kelowna re Thank You from West Kelowna

Please go to for information on how to participate.

As a reminder to members of the public, while we encourage civic engagement and welcome your participation in the public portion of our meeting, there are expectations regarding appropriate conduct and decorum at Council meetings.  We ask all members of the public to ensure that matters raised with Council are constructively focused on issues and not individuals and that any engagement with or about City staff is addressed in a manner that is consistent with these expectations so that we can all engage in this space in a manner that is respectful and constructive, and abides by the City’s Respectful Workplace Policy.

Members of the public wishing to address Council during the Public Input period will be allowed two minutes to speak.

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