THAT the following resolutions from the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday, November 5, 2019 be ratified:
THAT the funding requirements of up to $30,000 approved for physical parking restrictions on Bedwell Bay Road be funded from the Capital Asset Reserve –Transportation Envelope as recommended in the memo dated October 28, 2019 from the Finance and Technology Department – Financial Services Division regarding Funding Source for Physical Parking Restrictions on Bedwell Bay Road.
THAT the budget of $1,100 approved to fund the Seniors Focus Committee tour of Lower Mainland Seniors’ Centres and Facilities be funded from Council Contingency as recommended in the memo dated October 21, 2019 from the Finance and Technology Department – Financial Services Division regarding Funding Source for Tour of Lower Mainland Seniors’ Centres and Facilities.
THAT the budget of up to $2,300 approved for up to three members of Council to attend the Climate Leaders Institute on November 7-8, 2019 with one night of accommodations be funded from Council Contingency as recommended in the memo dated October 23, 2019 from the Finance and Technology Department –Financial Services Division regarding Funding Source for Council Members’ Attendance at Climate Leaders Institute on November 7-8, 2019.
THAT the Police request to place an order for a 2020 Chevrolet Tahoe in the current fiscal year be approved as recommended in the memo dated October 22, 2019 from the Port Moody Police Board regarding Police Supervisor Vehicle Pre-Order.