The following resolution was released from the Closed Council meeting held on June 14, 2022:
THAT the Truth and Reconciliation Understanding and Engagement – Phase 2 project proposal be approved and that the project be designated as Priority Level 1 in the Council Strategic Plan as recommended in the report dated June 2, 2022 from the General Manager of Community Services regarding Truth and Reconciliation Understanding and Engagement – Phase 2;
AND THAT the proposed land acknowledgement be endorsed;
AND THAT staff commence work on the short-term Indigenous Relations Strategy using the balance of the existing budget for the Truth and Reconciliation Understanding and Engagement project of $13,700;
AND THAT $16,500 per year be allocated for 7-hours per week of additional staff time to lead project initiatives for the next two years or until services are no longer needed;
AND THAT staff report back with a recommended training schedule and budget request;
AND THAT staff apply for the UBCM C2C Regional Community to Community Forum Program Grant for Truth and Reconciliation Implementation;
AND THAT staff seek additional grant funding to support the Truth and Reconciliation Understanding and Engagement – Phase 2 work;
AND THAT the additional funding requests be forwarded to the Finance Committee to identify a funding source;
AND THAT the Truth and Reconciliation Understanding and Engagement Phase 1 consulting report from Four Our Future Indigenous Economics as received in the report dated April 29, 2022 from the General Manager of Community Services be publicly released to those concerned;
AND THAT the City of Port Moody commemorate the history and legacy of residential schools and honour Indigenous communities, families, and survivors by observing a day for Truth and Reconciliation;
AND THAT staff be directed to treat September 30, 2022 as if it were a statutory leave day;
AND THAT Council determine how best to mark the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation in subsequent years;
AND THAT the City Manager and the Mayor be authorized to have the flags at City facilities lowered in observance of the National Day of Truth and Reconciliation.