THAT the following resolution regarding Flood Risk Mitigation Through Green Infrastructure and Natural Assets be endorsed by the City of Port Moody and forwarded for consideration at the 2021 Lower Mainland Local Government Association convention and subsequent Union of British Columbia Municipalities convention as recommended in the report dated
October 12, 2020 from Councillor Amy Lubik regarding Support for Resolution regarding Flood Risk Mitigation Through Green Infrastructure and Natural Assets:
WHEREAS the side channels, tributaries, and sloughs of the Fraser and other large rivers have deep value to First Nations as historic transportation corridors, sites of food cultivation and harvest, refuge and gathering places; many of these same waterways are or were valuable recreational fishing, boating, and swimming sites but are no longer safe and accessible for these activities;
AND WHEREAS these waterways provide moderating effects for localized and riverine flooding and valuable habitat for wild salmon and other important species;
AND WHEREAS there is no current requirement or standard practice for treating these natural and man-made waterways as valuable natural assets for their provision of the aforementioned ecosystem services;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Union of British Columbia Municipalities request that the federal and provincial governments remove constraints and implement requirements for incorporating green infrastructure and nature-based solutions in flood management to ensure effective flood risk mitigation while maintaining or restoring social, cultural and ecological co-benefits for these systems;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Union of British Columbia Municipalities request that the federal and provincial governments promote natural assets as a viable emergency planning solution and provide appropriate funding through the Disaster Mitigation Adaptation Fund, Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, Community Emergency Preparedness Fund, Emergency Management BC, and other similar emergency planning and mitigation funds.;
AND THAT a letter advocating for Flood Risk Mitigation Through Green Infrastructure and Natural Assets as part of a provincial climate resilience strategy, as well as economic green stimulus package, be sent to the Minister of Environment, the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the Minister of Agriculture, and the Premier of BC;
AND THAT Port Moody write to all other municipalities in BC asking them to write letters of support to the aforementioned ministries.