City of Port Moody
Special Council

Electronic Meeting via Zoom

You can watch the livestream of this meeting at, join the webinar at, or view the meeting in the Parkview Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.


  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the agenda of the December 17, 2024, Special Council meeting be adopted as circulated.

Memo: Legislative Services Division

Bylaw No. 3496, a Bylaw to amend the Council Procedure Bylaw to incorporate housekeeping and other amendments.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Council Procedure Bylaw, 2023, No. 3393, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2024, No. 3496 be now adopted as recommended in the memo dated December 17, 2024, from the Legislative Services Division regarding Council Procedure Bylaw Amendment – Adoption of Bylaw No. 3496.

Memo: Community Development Department – Development Planning Division

Bylaw No. 3469, a Bylaw to amend the City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, No. 2955 to allow for an increase in the number of storeys permitted and revise policy wording for property at 3180-3190 St. Johns Street and 81-89 Moray Street.

Bylaw No. 3463, a Bylaw to  amend the City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937 to rezone the properties at 3180-3190 St. Johns Street and
81-89 Moray Street to facilitate the development of a mixed residential/institutional/commercial project up to 16 storeys in height.

Bylaw No. 3480, a Bylaw to authorize Council to enter into a Housing Agreement pursuant to section 483 of the Local Government Act for property at 3180-3190 St. Johns Street and 81-89 Moray Street.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, No. 2955, Amendment Bylaw No. 37, 2024, No. 3469 (3180-3190 St. Johns Street and 81-89 Moray Street) be now adopted as recommended in the memo dated December 17, 2024, from the Community Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding Approval of DP and Adoption of OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 3469, Rezoning Bylaw No. 3463, Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 3480;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 96, 2024, No. 3463 (3180-3190 St. Johns Street and 81-89 Moray Street) (CD96) be now adopted;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Housing Agreement Bylaw, 2024, No. 3480 (3180-3190 St. Johns Street and 81-89 Moray Street) (Market and Below-Market Rental) be now adopted;

    AND THAT Development Permit No. DP000055 be approved for issuance;

    AND THAT the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.

Memo: Community Development Department – Development Planning Division

Bylaw No. 3408, a Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018,
No. 2937 to facilitate the rezoning of the properties at 3121 and 3127 St. Johns Street and 110-118 James Road from Private Institutional (P2) and Semi-Detached and Townhouse Residential (RM1) to Comprehensive Development Zone 90 (CD90).

Bylaw No. 3409, a Bylaw to authorize Council to enter into a Housing Agreement pursuant to section 483 of the Local Government Act.

Bylaw No. 3444, a Bylaw to close a portion of Moray Place.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 96, 2024, No. 3408 (3121-3127 St. Johns Street and 110-118 James Road) (CD90) be now adopted as recommended in the memo dated
    December 17, 2024, from the Community Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding Approval of DP and Adoption of Rezoning Bylaw No. 3408, Housing Agreement Bylaw No. 3409, and Road Closure Bylaw No. 3444;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Housing Agreement Bylaw, 2024, No. 3409 (3121-3127 St. Johns Street and 110-118 James Road) (Market Rental) be now adopted;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Road Closure Bylaw – Portion of Moray Place, 2024, No. 3444 be now adopted;

    AND THAT Development Permit No. DP000049 be approved for issuance;

    AND THAT the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.