THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, No. 2955, Amendment Bylaw No. 27, 2021, No. 3285 (Coronation Park) be read a first time as recommended in the report dated January 11, 2021 from Community Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding Official Community Plan Amendment – Coronation Park (Wesgroup Properties);
AND THAT prior to bringing Bylaw No. 3285 back for consideration of second reading and referral to Public Hearing, staff be directed to work with the applicant to further refine the project based on the current proposal, including the following key elements:
- inclusion of the amenity commitments into the amendment Bylaw, based on a more thoroughly developed amenity package that can be viably delivered as part of the development;
- how the density is distributed on the site, taking into account building height, massing, built form, and grade transition, including where towers are located, the number of towers, and how tower heights transition across the site between Ioco Road and Balmoral Drive;
- opportunities to increase the amount of employment generating floorspace;
- completion of the Transportation Impact Assessment and determining how its findings influence the project;
- the amount and configuration of the public park space versus the semi-public open space; and
- ensuring that the properties in this part of the neighbourhood that are not part of the application are left with a practical development potential in the future;
AND THAT a road network and grading plan be considered that varies from that included in Corporate Policy – 13-6410-2019-01 – Coronation Park Development Application Requirements.