City of Port Moody
Governance and Legislation Committee

Electronic Webinar via Zoom

You can watch the livestream of this meeting at, join the webinar at, or view the meeting in the Parkview Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.


  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the agenda of the February 18, 2025, Governance and Legislation Committee meeting be adopted as circulated.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the minutes of the Governance and Legislation Committee meeting of January 21, 2025, be adopted.

Verbal Report: Mario Canseco, Research Co.

This item has been brought forward at the direction of the following resolution:

THAT Mario Canseco, of Research Co., be invited as an expert in questionnaire development and analysis, to address Council at a future committee meeting on the importance of surveys, their design, and analysis for the purposes of decision-making on the basis of statistically relevant data.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the recommendations approved at the Governance and Legislation Committee meeting of February 18, 2025, be referred to the Council Standing Committee meeting of February 18, 2025, for ratification.

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