City of Port Moody
Special Council

Council Chambers
100 Newport Drive, Port Moody

This meeting will commence immediately following the Public Hearing scheduled at 7:00pm.

You can watch the livestream of this meeting at or join the webinar at

This meeting is open to the public for in-person attendance in Council Chambers at
100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.


  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT the agenda of the February 4, 2025, Special Council meeting be adopted as circulated.

Memo: Community Development Department – Policy Planning Division

Bylaw No. 3482, a Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018,
No. 2937 to allow for Short-Term Rentals in Port Moody.

Bylaw No. 3483, a Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Business Licensing and Regulation Bylaw, 2015, No. 3000 to allow for Short-Term Rentals as a permissible business.

Bylaw No. 3484, a Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw, 2020, No. 3218 by adding fines related to Short-Term Rentals in City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, No. 2937 and Business Licensing and Regulation Bylaw, 2015, No. 3000.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 101, 2024, No. 3482 (Short-Term Rentals) be now read a third time as recommended in the memo dated February 4, 2025, from the Community Development Department – Policy Planning Division regarding Short-Term Rentals – Third Reading and Adoption of Bylaw No. 3482, Adoption of Bylaw Nos. 3483 and 3484;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 101, 2024, No. 3482 (Short-Term Rentals) be now adopted;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Business Licensing and Regulation Bylaw, 2015, No. 3000, Amendment Bylaw No. 6, 2024, No. 3483 (Short-Term Rentals) be now adopted;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw, 2020, No. 3218, Amendment Bylaw No. 15, 2024, No. 3484 (Short-Term Rentals) be now adopted.

Memo: Community Development Department – Development Planning Division

Bylaw No. 3475, a Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, No. 2955 to implement changes to the Moody Centre Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Area for site specific redevelopment (Beedie – Moody Centre).

Bylaw No. 3473, a Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018,
No. 2937 to facilitate the rezoning of four lots in the Moody Centre Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Area from Light Industrial (M1) to Comprehensive Development Zone 94 (CD94) to allow for the development of a high-density mixed-use project.

Bylaw No. 3474, a Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018,
No. 2937 to facilitate the rezoning of a Lot in the Moody Centre Transit-Oriented Development Area from Light Industrial (M1) to Comprehensive Development Zone 95 (CD95) to allow for a nine-storey Multi-Residential Building.

  • Recommendation(s):

    THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014,
    No. 2955, Amendment Bylaw No. 39, 2024, No. 3475 (Beedie – Moody Centre) be read a third time as recommended in the memo dated February 4, 2025, from the Community Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding Third Reading – OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 3475 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw Nos. 3473 and 3474 (Beedie Living);

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 98, 2024, No. 3473 (Beedie – Moody Centre) (CD94) be read a third time;

    AND THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 99, 2024, No. 3474 (2806 Spring Street) (CD95) be read a third time.