THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, No. 2955, Amendment Bylaw No. 40, 2024, No. 3476 (60 Williams Street and
3006-3022 Spring Street) be read a first and second time as recommended in the report dated October 22, 2024, from the Community Development Department – Development Planning Division regarding Rezoning and OCP Amendment (TOD) – 60 Williams Street and 3006-3022 Spring Street (PCI Developments);
AND THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937, Amendment Bylaw No. 100, 2024, No. 3477 (60 Williams Street and 3006-3022 Spring Street) (CD93 and P1) be read a first and second time;
AND THAT Bylaw No. 3476 and Bylaw No. 3477 be referred to a Public Hearing;
AND THAT the document titled “PCI Spring Street Term Sheet (Draft)” be used as the basis for preparation of a development agreement setting out the applicant’s obligations as part of the redevelopment of the subject lands.